4 Outdoor Living Must-Haves

If you are landscaping your yard with the goal of outdoor living in mind, you can't just throw a few chairs and a table out back and call it a day. In order to have the best outdoor living space, there are a few things that you should incorporate in order to make it a fully functional, cozy outdoor living space. Be sure to include these few things when you are creating your outdoor living space.

3 Tips For Creating A Bird-Friendly Landscape

Are you the type of person that loves to wake up to the singing of songbirds? If so, creating a miniature bird sanctuary in your garden is an excellent way to invite chirping feathered friends to your home. The following landscape tips will help you plan your landscape with the birds in mind. Tip #1: Plant in three layers When planning the landscape design, think in three layers. The first layer is your low-growing plants.

3 Ideas For Making Your Strip Mall Landscape More Welcoming And Attractive

When you are designing the landscape for a commercial strip mall, you want to ensure that it is beautiful and inviting. The sidewalks, parking lots and buildings can make it hard to decipher one strip mall from another. To make yours stand out from the rest, you need an eye-catching landscape design. Here are three ideas to create an effective design that will make your strip mall more welcoming and attractive:

Want Artificial Grass? 4 Tips To Avoid Long-Term Damage After Installation

Real grass is not that difficult to maintain, especially if you live in an area that gets a lot of rain. But, this does not mean it is the right thing to cover your entire yard. If you have done your research on artificial grass, understand the benefits, and know that it is the kind of lawn you want on your property, the next thing you want to do is learn how you can avoid long-term damage to artificial grass.

Tree Care After A Lightning Strike

A lightning strike may seem like it would be lights out for your landscape tree, but that isn't always the case. Trees can often survive a strike if there is no major fire involved. This is because a healthy, living tree has a moist and living trunk – this is good for attracting and conducting the electricity that caused the strike, but not for igniting. The following can help you determine the best follow-up care for the tree once the storm moves out of the area.