5 Gardening Services To Ask Your Landscaper About

Your landscaping consists of more than just grass and trees. Don't overlook the garden and border beds around the house when scheduling your landscaping service. Tending to these areas properly can make your yard a much more pleasant and attractive place. 1. Topdressing  Topdressing the garden beds is best done in early spring before the planting season, or in the fall when the bed is cleaned up for winter dormancy. Your gardening service will apply fresh compost to the beds, tilling it into empty beds and carefully spreading it around the perennial plants in planted beds.

Designing Your Backyard? Elements To Add To Increase Enjoyment

If you're redesigning your backyard this year, make sure you focus on the details. Your backyard space should be a place where you can relax and enjoy your life. The right design elements let you get the most satisfaction from your backyard. If you're not sure how to design your backyard, hire a design team. They can help you get the elements you want. Not sure what elements to include? Read the list below.

Too Busy For Landscaping? Hire A Residential Landscaping Service

Doing landscaping can take a lot of time and energy to make everything beautiful. If you are busy and do not have the time to do this, you should consider hiring a residential landscaping service. Below is information on how they can help you so you can be proud of your landscaping.  Help With Design  The first thing you should consider is how you want your landscaping designed. The residential landscaping service can help with this.

Want A Retaining Wall? 3 Types To Choose

If you would like to have a retaining wall, there are many types to choose from, three of which are listed below. One thing you should consider is hiring a professional to construct the retaining wall that you choose to ensure it is done correctly.  Cantilever Retaining Wall A common type of retaining wall is a cantilever retaining wall. Reinforced concrete is used when building this type of retaining wall, which makes it durable and sturdy.

Your Spring Tree Health Checklist

As spring approaches, it's important to check the health of your trees to make sure they are ready for another growing season. Trimming, transplanting, and heavy pruning are all better done before summer hits, so checking your trees for problems should be part of your regular spring yard maintenance.  Here is a basic checklist to help ascertain the health of your tree, and whether you might need to provide extra care or trimming to keep your tree growing strong.