Buying A Vacation Home? Make The Switch To Artificial Grass For Easier Maintenance

After buying your house, as long as you keep up with your living expenses, you can start saving up money for all sorts of things. A new car, lots of vacations, or even your own vacation home. The idea of taking on two mortgages can be a bit scary, especially when you think about the maintenance and repairs as well. But, there are numerous ways that you can enjoy reduced costs after purchasing a vacation home. One of these options is to switch from real grass to artificial grass, which will also lead to less stress.

Eliminate the Need to Get Routine Lawn Care

Even though you may only spend a few weeks or months at your vacation home, you still need to maintain the lawn throughout the year. This means you must hire professionals for at least part of the time. A professional installation of synthetic grass can cost as little as $6 per square foot, which is a reasonable investment when you consider the fact that it will prevent you from having to get frequent lawn service.

Provide Guests with a Lovely Lawn

A vacation home requires taking on quite a few expenses, but you can alleviate this a little by turning the place into a vacation rental. This allows you to come back to the property whenever you plan for it. And, in the meantime, you can earn money by having people stay at your place. The great thing about artificial lawn is that you do not have to worry about whether the lawn looks attractive or not. It is designed to always provide you with the same level of attractiveness that it had when it was first installed.

Avoid Expensive Reseeding or Resodding

If you were to maintain a real lawn, you could run into some problems down the line. Coming back to a damaged lawn when you only plan on being there for a short time means you do not have enough time to regrow it from scratch. So, this would require you to pay for sodding, which can run you around $1,735.

If you happen to be staying at the place for a while, you could always make use of the reseeding route. But, even this service can run you around $1,000 if you need to reseed a half-acre worth of grass.

Putting in synthetic grass provides many benefits and helps you avoid a number of costly issues. Contact a landscaping service like Eliot's Landscape LLC for more information.
