That's A Lot Of Wasted Water: 3 Tips To Help You Use Rain Water In Your Yard

Have you ever watched the rain flood your yard and wish there was a way to help it spread more evenly through your yard? If you have, you're in luck because there are some simple steps you can take to help your yard absorb vital water. When rain water flows too quickly, it can't be used efficiently, which means a large portion of it will be wasted. Here are three steps you can take with your landscaping to help spread rain water through your yard more efficiently, which means you'll be able to use more of it to water your lawn and replenish the water table located under your property.

Watch How It Flows

The first step in using rain water efficiently is to identify the natural flow ā€“ or path the water takes when leaving your yard. In most cases, you'll find the natural path located under gutter downspouts or away from the corners of your roof. Once you've located the natural flow of your run-off, you'll be able to create landscape diversions that will allow you to utilize the water.

Say No to Bare Ground

Bare ground cannot absorb water properly because there is nothing to slow down the flow over the soil. That's where mulch and other natural ground covers come in. If you have gardens or large expanses of bare soil, you need to cover those areas with some type of natural ground cover. These natural ground covers will retain the water and allow it to absorb into the soil more readily.

Incorporate Rain Trenches and Basins

If your run-off is creating trenches or basins in your yard, use those areas to your advantage.


In the areas where the run-off has created trenches, use a shovel to even out the flow of the trench and then line the trench with a layer of gravel or river rock. This will allow the water to slow down as it flows over the rock, which will allow it to absorb more evenly.


If you have large areas in your yard where rain water gathers, you may notice a natural basin formation. Use this area as a natural rain garden or catch basin for the run-off. Try to add a variety of plants, rocks and gravel to help absorb the water.

Rain water doesn't have to be wasted. Incorporate the suggestions listed above into your landscaping plans to help you use rain water to your advantage. 
